
Prevent non-native species

Only we can prevent the spread of non-native species.

The introductions of Non-Native Invasive Species (NNIS) continue to degrade Tribal lands and waters of the Leech Lake Reservation. Our traditional practices, hunting, gathering, and fishing are at risk of severe impacts as a result of NNIS introductions. The recent discovery of Zebra Mussel in Lake Winnie is the latest crisis of concern, and may more equally destructive NNIS have the potential to make their way into this area.

Only by adopting measures will we halt further introductions and reduce the spread of unwanted NNIS on the Leech lake Reservation. These measures must be adopted and utilized by all who visit the Leech Lake Reservation all who utilize its resources as part of a subsistence lifestyle.

Whether used for recreation purposes, sporting purposes, or subsistence lifestyle; invasive species are the responsibility of everyone who utilizes the natural resource. The following measures are a summary of regulation which must be followed if we are to prevent future introductions and the spread of NNIS within the Leech lake Reservation and surrounding lands and waters.

The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has developed very stringent and complicated regulations for Zebra mussel infested waters across the State that apply to state regulated individuals. Our authority applies to Band members on Tribal lands and waters that allowed us to develop sensible and realistic regulations appropriate for Leech Lake Reservation.

Summary of Interim Regulation Adopted by Tribal Council Resolution March 29, 2013

Angling in non-infested waters

  • Drain Boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All material found shall be removed before leaving the location.
  • Dispose of any unwanted bait in the trash at the boat landing.
  • Any bait that you want to retain, that has been exposed to water from the lake or stream, must be flushed with clean water before leaving the boat landing.

Angling in infested waters

  • Drain boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All material found shall be removed before leaving the location.
  • All bait exposed to water from an infested lake, or stream must be disposed of in the trash at the boat landing and shall not be retained.

Personnel or commercial netting in non-infested waters

  • Drain boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All material found shall be removed before leaving the location.
  • Inspect your net and all gear for plant and animal material. All plant or animal material found shall be removed before leaving the locations.

Personnel or commercial netting in infested waters

  • You must obtain an infested waters net tag from Leech lake DRM and attach it to your net along with marking a float on each end.
  • Drain boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All plant or animal material found shall be removed before leaving the location.
  • If you are moving a net from infested waters back into the same infested waters no net treatment is needed.
  • If you are planning to move a net from instead waters to non-infested waters, you must sanitize the net and gear using one of the following methods:
    • Air dry the net for a minimum of 5 days,
    • Soak the net in a solution of 1 cup bleach/5 gallon water for no less than 1 hour, or
    • Pressure wash the net with water in excess of 130 degrees F until clean. Do not use detergents or chemicals as the causes pollution issues.

Bait harvest in non-infested waters

  • Drain boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All plant or animal material found shall be removed before leaving the location.

Bait harvest in infested waters

  • Drain boat and all live wells or containers of all water at the boat landing.
  • Inspect boat, trailer and all gear for plant and animal material. All plant or animal material found shall be removed before leaving the location.
  • Obtain an infested waters net tag and attach it to your nets.
  • Any bait harvested within infested waters hall be flushed with clean fresh water from a well or non –infested water source before leaving the immediate area. This means you will have to bring fresh water with you.
  • Bait may only be harvest from zebra mussel infested waters from ice out to May 21.
  • From May 22 – October 31 bait harvest in infested waters is not allowed. Zebra mussels start to reproduce in mid May and microscopic Zebra mussel larvae are most easily transported on gear, equipment, and especially in bait water.
  • If you are planning to move from infested waters to non-infested waters, you must sanitize all traps, nets, and gear using the following method.
    • Soak the net in a solution of 1 cup bleach/5 gallon water for no less than 1 hour.

Commercial rough fish removal

Handled on an individual permit basis.

Division of Resource Management
(218) 335-7400